Our Story

Starting a candle and self-care business was a journey that began in the most bittersweet of ways. After my mom, Angela, passed away, I found myself standing at a crossroads, holding onto the dreams and memories we shared. For 25 years, my mom and I performed music together as Chris Canas Band grew bigger and bigger. Our stage presence and banter together were unparalleled. Traveling the world and connecting with fans through the art of music. Music was our bond, our sanctuary, but there was another dream my mom held close to her heart—a dream of creating a self-care line rooted in the holistic remedies and natural products she so deeply believed in.

Growing up, our home was always filled with the scent of essential oils, homemade salves, and herbal teas. My mom was passionate about finding natural ways to heal and nurture, always searching for the purest ingredients. She believed in the power of nature and was on a constant quest to bring that power into our lives. This love for holistic remedies was her legacy, one she passed down to me.

After she passed, I wasn't really allowed to grieve as I had to remain strong for everyone else. I buried myself in my music and my production company and then everything came to a screeching halt once the pandemic hit the world. I now had the chance to grieve in my own way all alone. I knew I wanted to honor her in a way that felt true to who she was. The idea of starting a candle and self-care business was born from that desire. It was a way to keep her spirit alive, to share her love for natural products with the world, and to fulfill the dream she never got the chance to fully realize.

Each candle I create is infused with the essence of our shared memories, like the "Midnight in Harlem" candle, inspired by the song she loved to sing. Every product is crafted with the same care and attention to natural ingredients that she taught me to value. It's more than just a business—it's a tribute to my mom, a way to carry forward her passion and her dream.

Now, every time I light a candle or blend a new scent, I feel her presence with me, guiding me, reminding me of the importance of nurturing the mind, body and the soul. This business is her legacy, and I am honored to share it with the world, one candle, one scrub, one oil at a time.

~Chris Cottingham- Owner